Florida Designer Homes Magazine
Ultra Modern
April 2012
Volume 1, No. 6, Page 6-7
Back to the Future How modern and ultra-modern design is transcending our image-conscious society, within half of a second.
Ultra Modern
April 2012
Volume 1, No. 6, Page 6-7
Back to the Future How modern and ultra-modern design is transcending our image-conscious society, within half of a second.
Remember Michael J. Fox in the Back to the Future trilogy in the late 80s? Imagine if you were sitting next to Marty McFly in the time machine and jetted out to year 3012 instead of back to 1955. This is what happens every day with our image-conscious society. Within the blink of an eye, innovation is at its finest.
It is like as if you are watching Charlie Chaplin dancing in those silent black and white movies and then you step away for a second, you turn around and see everyone is grabbing their 3D goggles to watch the internet inside a high definition larger-than-life flat screen, because virtual reality is just so “today”.
Out with the dinosaurs and in with the robots running our lives. As far as our image-conscious society is concerned, we tend to always find the latest, the newest, and the most cutting edge version before others catch up in the race. Whether we are artists, financial planners, designers, or lawyers, visually stimulating and new designs are always attracting us, emotionally, mentally and physically. It is the energy that tends to keep people connected, based on common demographics and like-minded observations of one community.
Welcome to the fourth version of Back to the Future, where modern architecture and interior design styles have the "WOW" factor. These styles lead us to a new world of ultra-modern everything.
As we all evolve every day, limits become unlimited. Designers are now attracting mixed-media with touches of “green” as smart, healthy design. The merging of different professions call for more function, updated excitement and clean definition to these standard professions. Eventually the next best style will be in the works, whether it is a traditional coming back from the past or it is a mesh of different time periods. Ultra will become more ultra, as we gain better solutions by meshing with "smart" design choices.